I've literally been thinking about secrets all day. Is this a good thing? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that "Secrets" has played about 50 gazillion times today.
What if everyone or even just one person knew your secrets? All the things you've done that you've ever done out of shame, lust, vengeance, the things you aren't proud of, everything. Speaking for myself, I think whoever knew would be very, very shocked. I've done stuff that I'm not proud of, I've had stuff done to me that I'm not proud of, I have things that I'm not proud of.
With that said, I've also thought about giving all mine away. Much like the song. It would be a burden but so liberating. Everyone has their secrets though. Should I keep mine?
There isn't much more I can elaborate on at the moment, so I decided to keep this one short. Have a great weekend guys, a post should be up Monday! =)
My husband and my best friend know everything there is to know about me, I'm pretty sure - and God knew it all before I did it...so I guess I don't really keep secrets! My thing is - I NEED someone else to know, to help keep me accountable, I guess, and to help myself be accountable and open to them and their "secrets". I'm sure if you knew HALF the stuff about me, you'd be quite shocked as well!!