Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cameron Vs. "Love"

Hey boys and girls! Today is February 14, 2011 and I'm not wearing a shirt. I'm wearing a vest and that's because I don't want to wear a shirt, but I don't want to be shirtless. Does that make any sense whatsoever? Doesn't have to! Yaaaay. Taa-daa, we're done with that. To the topic:

I feel as though it is appropriate to talk about love on this day, and no not the whole "Love". Yeah, not that. What is love? I think love is something that is really, really confusing. I don't really think it's meant to be understood. A huge pet peeve of mine is when an adult tries to explain what love is. Like a parent for instance. Like 90% of the time, nowadays, since divorce rates are so high, you're getting these "lessons" about love from people that don't know what love is. If your parents knew what love was then they wouldn't be divorced, they would still be married. And hopefully that makes sense to you right there. It would be like if my father tried to explain to me that love is when you get butterflies in your stomach and blahblah. It's like, "you've been divorced... you're telling me that you've gone through this 'emotion' at least once, just to have it not be love in the long run?" You get where I'm going with this?

All right. I think love, like I said, is complicated and possibly different for everybody. I think love is something that is supposed to last forever - if that makes any sense. Love is supposed to be something that conquers all other things. True love for instance. So say, uhh, I don't even know how to put this in words. Love is kinda like God, in my opinion. You can't see it, but you hope it exists. You hope it's there. There's really just no way to explain love, you know? It's that feeling you get, in my opinion, where you just realize that everything is right in the world. LOVE IS THIS -> <3. No, but it's when everything is right and everything just works, but you don't really know why it works it just does. It's not lust. It's not where it's just, "man, I wanna see that person naked." There's a difference. Ugh - sort of like where someone is your best friend and you're allowed to be yourself around them. If that makes any sense.

There are some people that are just saying, "oh man, I totally love this chick." And you realize that they're not said person. Like when they're around their "significant other" they don't tell the same jokes, they don't act the same way, and I don't think that's love. I think that's an illusion. So basically you're in love with a figment of your own imagination. You're in love with something that doesn't really exist. They love who you act like when you're with them. I don't know, it's hard to explain.

I think true love is something that you know it when you find it, and it works. You can't explain why it works, you just can't. It just works. You just have to go with the flow. I also think that people are afraid to find love - if that makes sense. Either because they've been hurt so many times or they're just scared to get back out there to get hurt again. But the point is that you have to do that, and if you don't then you're just going to be lonely. And being lonely is just horrible.

So... I just don't know. It's hard to explain. And that's just kinda my two cents on what love is. You don't even have to take my word on it or agree with anything I say. When someone asks me, "have you ever been in love?" At the time I thought it was love, but clearly it's not because I'm not with that person anymore. I didn't overcome the hardships that we wen't through together, you know. That wasn't love, that was just lust. At the time I thought it was love, but no. I think you can love more than one person (NOT AT THE SAME TIME. One heart for one person. That's just how I feel) if that makes any sense. It's just such a touchy subject. Love is just a touchy subject and I don't understand it. At all. It's just one of those things that's like, "I hope I find it, I hope I find love."

Love is something that just works. It's just there, and everything is right, and you overcome the hardships, and you don't know why, and it's just there, and it just works, and it's just amazing. Just let it happen.

Let's take a quick breather from love. Sound good? Sorry I didn't post last week, I've just had a lot going on. Hope you're not bored yet. If you don't know what this blog is about, it's just a place where I'm serious with you all about various topics to keep you entertained and me sane. So continuing on the question of love:

I don't know what it is. I really don't. I'm going to try not to recap what I said before the break and hit on some new stuff, so bare with me.

Honestly, I think that a lot of people have no clue what love is. Especially coming from people who have "been in love" and are no longer with that person, but they try to tell you what love is.

In my mind, there are layers of love. Almost like an onion. A big ol' stinky onion. But you have your true love, your puppy love, all that stuff. What I consider "real, true love" is something that I don't know what it is. I don't even think our parents know what it is. Unless they've been together for like 40 years or they've been together their entire life. Maybe they know what it is. But it comes down to the fact that a majority of people in the world really have no clue what love is and then they try to tell you that, "love is when you get butterflies in your stomach!!!" What if that's not love?  What if that's just puppy love or something like that? What if you get no feelings around them? But you're completely comfortable around them. What if it's not someone who gives you butterflies in your stomach, but you can live your life comfortably with them for the rest of your life? What if that's what love is? I only mean this because we really have no clue. It's just a really crazy thing. It bothers me too that adults will look at kids who are in love (basically puppy love) and they'll say something like, "you're not in love! You don't know what love is!" But the thing is, I've known people that have been dating since they were about 13 and have been together ever since. Maybe they did know what love was. Maybe we're the ones who were stupid and didn't know. There's just so many layers to it. It's definitely something hard to answer.

Hopefully this gave you a little insight. I hope you see what love is to me. And that I love you. Yes, let's touch. I'm putting my hand to my screen right now. See, I just ruined a really good post by being stupid.

I'm gonna go. I hope you guys have a really good week. And I promise I will make a post on Friday.

So what about love for you all? What do you think love is? Do you have any pet peeves about love? Have you ever been in love? Real love? Are you in love right now? How long have your parents been together?

I don't know. I just have a lot of questions for you guys cause I love talking to you guys. I love the comments.


  1. I think that some people do act differently around their significant others to put on a facade of some sorts, but in some rare cases, the significant other actually brings out the best in a person, and that is the REAL side of the person, instead of what he/she acts like around friends. Good post, more people should follow

  2. I find myself lucky to be with someone who I love and hold very close. We've been together for almost two years now and he's one of the best friends I have ever had. I can be purely myself around him, even more so than I can be with some friends. Even if I'm in a bitchy mood, haven't had a shower, and am wearing no make up, he accepts me just the same. We laugh together, never fight (agree to disagree), and like you said, it just works. However, I haven't let myself fall IN love with him yet, if that makes sense. We had to work our way up to love, but I feel falling in love is a totally different matter. I do think it will happen, but it will take time.

  3. Same poster as above. One of my pet peeves about love are teenagers who say they love their significant other when they clearly don't. We're talking a few days to a few months of dating, and all of the sudden they are absolutely head over heels in love. I myself don't believe that even half a year is enough time to know enough about someone to love them. My boyfriend and I didn't let "I love you slip" for well over a year, and we still use it sparingly. I just wish kids would realize the difference between puppy love and love love. They toss the word around so much that it has almost lost its meaning.


Comments are nice.